Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Give me strength when I was down…cheer me up and all the things you guys done for me..especially my university guys really meant a lot to me..with your accompany, I am not alone. We can share our happiness and sadness…
And my camp guys like my second family is so good to meet you guys..who is so kind to me and bring me a lot of joys..
And my BFF…love you~~although we got some problem before..but I was so happy that it was passed already~~
hope can know the music's name soon^^
Monday, June 14, 2010
A quick update
actually missed out a lot of chance to write my i always cant remember my login id...finally can~~
a lot of things to write but actually i was in the middle to complete my Fluid Mechanics's report..i need to submit it today but NOT DONE yet!!!
how terrible am i~
something happened between you and kinda sad..but we gone through it already.i am so glad that you tell me..and i will try to improve myself..finally..i realised that i should voice out..shouldnt be that lazy..i should tell you what actually i am thinking.just give me sometime...and hope you recover soon~~
week 3 already..start to busy but many tasks not complete yet~~hope God bless me and give me strength to gone through all these~~
share a photo here...hauyeen say we look alike~what do you think?

have a nice day~~
gonna continue my report~~~~>.<
第三届研讨营正式告一段落了。。。还会有下一届吗?我想目前还是个未知数,就让他随缘吧~~心情好复杂,因为又是离别的时候,伤离别;不过这也让我们更期待下一次的相聚,不是吗?好想把这一份心情和回忆都珍藏在心底,希望永远都不要忘记。其实现在的心情真的非笔墨可以形容的,因为其实我的文笔不好;而且从中五毕业开始,算算我也有两年没写华文文章了。如果说一颗心是一个容器,那我的心现在是100分,满满了;因为装满了和大家的回忆和感动。很感激艳玲姐,营长,副营长,各位工委和大家,让我有这个机会加入这个大家庭。在研讨营学习了很多,其中包括了团队精神,学习如何与人相处,一起做事。研讨营的课程也好有用处,因为它让我有机会接触并且了解中华文化的精髓。现在才懂得原来铁观音是乌龙茶的一种,马后炮的来源和意思,还有“车”在象棋里的读音念做“ju”. 还有好多好多。偶然听见一位营员发表感言时说他来自单亲家庭,他说他很羡慕其他同学都有爸爸妈妈,可是他没有。听到他那么说时,心怔了一下。惊的是他很勇敢的再那么多人面前说出它的心声,可是听了他那番话,我也警惕自己一定要好好对待爸妈,做个好孩子。还有,因为这个研讨营,让我有机会认识来自全国各地的朋友,不论是工委还是营员,很高兴能够认识你们,因为你们,让我这三天两夜都过的很充实。或许我们不会再见了,不过我还是会记得我们曾经一起努力,一起为研讨营出一份力。还有一件事,就是研讨营结束后,我就先走了,所以没什么帮忙收拾。真的很对不起,因为要跟朋友的车回家,所以必须早回,请原谅。
当然,我想在此谢谢我那23位可爱的上党城成员,你们是最好的,对我好好噢。还有,收到你们的信,我真得很开心。谢谢你们。还有,文琪城主和得亿副城主,你们在最后终于勇敢的跑到台前发表意见,真的好棒哦。加油。。虽然只是短短三天,不过真的有好多一点一滴,要说完的太长气了。所以我选择到此为止,最后向全体工委和营员致万二分的谢意,并像研讨营营歌所唱: 曲终人散情谊却不散。